Ryan White Part B Services For People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)
Learn more about these services by contacting 717-295-7994.
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) provides a comprehensive system of care to ensure that low-income people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) receive optimal care and treatment. Ryan White Part B funding is used to support medical services, including medications, and support services. SACA and NCEPS are proud to partner with RWHAP to provide the following services. These services are funded by the Department of Health, Bureau of HIV/AIDS and by Family Health Council of Central PA, Inc.
Emergency Financial Assistance – Food & Utilities (Payer of Last Resort)
- Emergency food bank voucher
- Emergency gift card for food
- Emergency utilities (water, sewer/trash, gas, electric, propane, oil pellets, etc.) assistance
- Reconnection fees
- Financial counseling
- Application assistance for utility payment plans
Emergency ID Procurement (Payer of Last Resort)
- Cost of identification (birth certificate, social security card, state-issued photo identification, etc.)
Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals (Payer of Last Resort)
- Hot meals, food vouchers, and food bank
- Personal hygiene products
- Personal water filtration system (only in communities where issues of water safety exist)
Medical Insurance (Payer of Last Resort)
- Assistance with health insurance premiums, deductibles, and co-pays (private insurance, Medicaid, ACA, SPBP, COBRA MAWD, etc.)
- Medicare premiums (Medicare) for Part B, only when you are paying for Part D
- Medicare premiums (Medicare) for Part C, only if the plan includes prescriptions coverage or if you are also paying for Part D
Medical Case Management
- Assessment of needs
- Coordination and follow-up of medical treatment
- Medication adherence counseling
- Development of comprehensive individualized service plans
- Translation/Interpretation services
- Coordination of support services to help maintain medical care
- Assist with obtaining health insurance coverage
- Apply for other programs like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
- Client advocacy
- Behavioral health and drug & alcohol outpatient/inpatient services
Ryan White Housing (Payer of Last Resort)
- Medical support housing (residential substance use disorder, mental health, foster care, or assisted living services)
- Rental assistance towards Section 8 or public housing to prevent homelessness
- Temporary housing
- First and/or last month’s rent
- Application fees
- Financial counseling
Medical Transportation Services
- Public transportation bus pass
- Door-to-door transportation to/from medical appointments
Psychosocial Support Group
- Group and individual counseling/support for behavioral or physical health concerns
- HIV support groups
Housing Opportunities for People Living with AIDS (HOPWA) Services
- Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
- Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility (STRMU)
- Permanent Housing Placement (PHP)
- Financial counseling