Adult Education Classes


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Adult Education

  • English as a Second Language

    **Effective December 1, 2024: Our ESL waitlist is temporarily closed due to high volumes. Please check back at a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Tec Centro believes that the foundation to better employment starts with clear and professional communication. Our ESL classes empower language learners to develop their English language skills in a motivated and culturally-appropriate way. Each class is customized to fit the needs of students at various proficiency levels - basic, low intermediate, or high intermediate/advanced

    ESL Levels Provided

    The Basic level is designed for those with little to no knowledge of English. In this course, students will learn to establish a simple conversation, provide their personal information, talk about seasons, the weather, and time, discuss activities they like to do, and begin describing things and people. Through a variety of hands-on activities and speaking exercises, students will start improving their vocabulary and, in turn, their confidence.

    Low Intermediate
    In the Low Intermediate class, students will continue building their vocabulary so that they are able to talk about familiar topics such as places in the community, the home, daily routines, the doctor’s office, and more. Major grammar focuses include the simple present, present progressive, and simple past tenses.

    High Intermediate/Advanced
    This course helps students “polish” their English. Through increased vocabulary and grammar practice, students will be able to talk about events that happened in the past, plans for the future, and more. Students at this level have a good command of the language, and are able to communicate almost entirely in English.

    Processing Fee: $25.00
  • HISET Prep Courses

    High School Equivalence Course In Spanish

    Adult Literacy /Pre-HISET
    This program is designed for adults who are reading below the ninth-grade level. In addition to basic skills like reading and writing, these programs generally help students gain vocational skills such as those needed for some of the programs offered at Tec Centro.

    HS Equivalency Course (HISET test)
    HISET prep classes help adults earn a high school equivalency diploma by passing the HISET test. These classes allow adults to get more practice in subjects they may be weak in before taking the test. The HISET test measures knowledge in reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science. The course utilizes online resources (HISET preparation materials) as well as traditional textbooks and electronic assignments.

    Ready to Take the HISET Test? Tec Centro West is an approved testing site!

    Processing Fee: 25.00 Provider: Tec Centro Register for HISET Classes
  • Basic Computer

    Bilingual Basic Computer Classes: Part I & Part II

    Whether you're a complete beginner or you need a review, this bilingual computer class is perfect for the adult learner who has never sat at a computer before, to those who need to brush up on their skills. The class is split into two parts at 3 weeks each part. The first part focuses on hardware, how to turn a computer on and off, and using email. Part II goes on to software and Microsoft applications. You don't have to take Part I before taking Part II, nor do you have to go on to Part II after taking Part I. We offer this class during morning and evening hours. Call Tec Centro Southwest for more information or to join our waitlist: 717-509-8124.

    Processing Fee: Free! Provider: Tec Centro